The Farm at Our House
Rockville, MD
Low-interest loan funded Sept. 2024
Established by Marc Grossman in 2008, The Farm at Our House is the largest USDA Certified Organic farm in Montgomery County, MD, producing over 100,000 lbs of produce annually.
Marc and the team operate on 12 acres in partnership with a juvenile justice rehabilitation residential facility, Our House, to provide residents with fresh produce as well as education, job training, and enrichment opportunities. In addition to a 250+ member CSA, The Farm at Our House sells produce at three year-round farmers markets and to school districts and food access organizations. Their goal is to produce vegetables on a significant scale so more people can eat organic, locally produced food at a fair price.
After three years of research into different varieties, pest management,
and harvest/storage strategies, The Farm at Our House will expand long bean production in 2025 to fill a gap in the local market. Because fresh beans are labor intensive to produce, there aren't many other producers in the region who raise them. They will also sell dried and shelled beans during the winter months.
To support the new bean enterprise, Foodshed Capital supported The Farm at Our House with a low-interest loan to purchase a new bean harvester, scale up production, and reduce their labor needs.