Come to the Altar Ministry
Lynchburg, VA
0% interest bridge loan funded Sept. 2024
Come to The Altar Ministry was founded in 2018 by Jorge Cruz to serve communities facing significant poverty and food insecurity in Campbell County and beyond. Beginning as an all volunteer organization, demand for the ministryʼs food access services surged in 2020 with the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic; need for food access has remained strong in the years since.
In addition to food access, the Ministry works to provide access and referrals to other organizations providing support services, and prioritizes treating their constituents with care and respect. As a partner of Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, they have historically secured food donations from restaurants, grocery stores, and farms, distributing from several
locations and utilizing a drive-through model.
In 2024, Come to the Altar Ministry was selected as a subawardee for a VDAC Local Food Purchase Assistance Plus grant, which allows significant reimbursable funding to purchase food from local farmers and distribute it to consumers at no cost. A 0% interest loan from Foodshed Capital will allow Come to the Altar Ministry to kick off its LFPA Plus grant work while awaiting reimbursement.